This week is a big week for NoteDex. We released our first iteration of the Canvas feature.

To help you understand what you can do with this new feature and how it can be used we put together some examples. These are just some of our initial ideas and we can't wait to hear from you about how you plan to use it.
But before we start, what is Canvas? Canvas is the new NoteDex feature that is a virtual whiteboard / storyboard / freeform canvas board which you can create simple index cards on. At the moment its very basic, just text, but now we have got the foundations in place we will be adding more text and formatting features. You can move the cards anywhere on the screen so you will have a great visual canvas for your information.
So, let's see some examples of what you can do with NoteDex Canvas!
2024 Planner
This was a fun easy one - why not create a grid of cards and use it lay out your plan for 2024! Now is the perfect time of year to start planning... your holiday!

Weekly Plan
Perhaps you want to plan out your tasks for the week, and keep a track of various to-dos and notes. A layout like this could work for you.

Monthly Habit Planner
The start of the year is a great time to think about new habits and in this example we created a series of cards to allow us to plan in more detail each week the habits. For example we provide a card for morning, afternoon and evening and you could add things like 'meditation in the morning' or 'gym in the evening'. How would you use this kind of canvas?

Kanban To-Do Tracking
NoteDex already allows you to organize your cards into rows and columns using the 'Organizer' view. However, this does require a bit more setup and creating cards individually that can take a bit of time and effort. In this example we use the simple quick nature of the NoteDex Canvas to create a bunch of cards and organize them in a simple Kanban 'To-Do' - 'In Progress' - 'Completed' - and 'On Hold' columns.

Mind Map Brainstorm
One of the main reasons we created the NoteDex Canvas is to allow a faster, more fluid 'in the flow' experience for capturing thoughts and ideas. In this example we use the canvas a virtual whiteboard to brainstorm thoughts.

Storyboard for a Movie
Our new Canvas is ideal for all you writers out there to start laying out your next bestselling book or movie! In this example we took the plot of the recent Top Gun Maverick movie (courtesy of Roope Rainisto - thank you!) and laid it out in a classic index card storyboard. This was fun and you can see in these 2 screenshots the text can be set to 12 point (small) and you can add cards across the canvas even to the right and bottom out of the visible screen which you can scroll around to.

Project Planning
If you are a project planner, having a canvas to outline the project plan can be very helpful as part of the initial planning process. NoteDex Canvas allows you to do this. In this example we use the classic PMBOK structure for a hypothetical project plan to create a new quantum computer.

S.W.O.T Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)
This is a simple example, and there are many similar ones, of using the Canvas for capturing analysis around a problem. The SWOT framework is very famous, and useful.
But you could also create other canvases like this for other business frameworks like business model canvas, priority matrix etc. We'll try and make some more examples in the coming weeks.

In Conclusion
So, how will you use the new Canvas feature? We will try to add some of these examples as templates in the future. Do let us know how you might use the Canvas and what templates can be helpful for you. Feel free to comment below!