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Are Morning Pages Worth it?

Writer: Prem SundaramPrem Sundaram

Updated: Oct 6, 2023

Do you want to start your day with more clarity, creativity, and productivity? If so, you might want to try morning pages, a simple but powerful daily practice that can transform your life.

I recently watched this lovely video by Leighann Chandler. She documented and summarized Julia Cameron's Book 'The Artists Way'. Do you write morning pages? What even are morning pages? In this article we'll summarize Julia's book and Leighann's video so you can see if they are right for you, and how NoteDex can be part of this process.

What is The Artists Way?

The Artist’s Way is a book by Julia Cameron that teaches a 12-week course to help people recover their creativity and live a more fulfilling life. The book is based on the idea that creative expression is a natural and spiritual direction of life, and that everyone has the potential to be an artist in their own way.

The Artists Way

The book guides the reader through various exercises and practices, such as writing morning pages, going on artist dates, and doing weekly check-ins, to overcome the blocks and fears that may hinder their creative flow. The book also offers insights and inspiration from various artists and thinkers, as well as Cameron’s own personal stories and experiences. The book has been a bestseller since its publication in 1992, and has influenced millions of people around the world, including celebrities like Elizabeth Gilbert, Reese Witherspoon, and Tim Ferriss. The book is considered a classic in the field of self-help and creativity, and has spawned many support groups, workshops, and online communities for people who follow its principles. If you are interested in learning more about The Artist’s Way, you can check out the book’s official website.

What are Morning Pages?

Based on the information in the book and Leighann's blog article here is our summary about the book and the idea of writing Morning Pages:

Morning pages are 3 pages of longhand stream of consciousness writing that you do first thing in the morning. They are not a journal or a diary, but a way to clear your mind, vent your emotions, and discover your preferences. They are also a tool to boost your creativity and solve your problems.

The concept of morning pages was popularized by Julia Cameron in her book The Artist’s Way, but they are not just for artists. Anyone can benefit from this practice, regardless of their occupation or background. Many people have claimed that morning pages changed their lives for the better, from helping them finish their projects to improving their relationships.

To do morning pages, you need a pen and a dedicated notebook. You write whatever comes to your mind, without editing, censoring, or judging yourself. You don’t have to worry about grammar, spelling, or making sense. You just write until you fill 3 pages, and then you’re done. You don’t have to read them or share them with anyone. They are for your eyes only.

The benefits of morning pages are numerous and varied. Here are some of the most common ones:

  • They help you clear your mind of mental clutter and noise, such as worries, doubts, fears, or distractions. This gives you more space and focus for the rest of the day.

  • They help you solve problems and make decisions by revealing the root causes of your issues and suggesting possible solutions. Sometimes, you may find the answer to a question that has been bothering you for a long time.

  • They help you reduce stress and anxiety by allowing you to express your negative emotions and release them from your system. This can improve your mood and well-being.

  • They help you improve your productivity and goal setting by showing you what is important to you and what you want to achieve. They can also help you plan your actions and track your progress.

  • They help you discover your preferences and passions by exposing your likes and dislikes, your strengths and weaknesses, your values and beliefs. They can also help you find new interests and hobbies that you may not have considered before.

  • They help you boost your creativity by stimulating your imagination and intuition. They can also provide you with new ideas and inspiration for your projects.

Morning pages are a simple but profound practice that can have a positive impact on your life. All you need is 30 minutes every morning, a pen, and a notebook. You may be surprised by what you discover about yourself and the world around you. If you want to learn more about morning pages, check out The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron or visit her website here. You can also download a free Morning Pages Prompt List from Leighann's website here to get started.


We hope this blog post was helpful and informative. We enjoyed Leighann's video and we hope you did too and that you will investigate more about Morning Pages. NoteDex can be used in a few ways in this context. Sure you could use it to handwrite your morning pages with your iPad and Apple Pencil each morning instead of using a paper journal. You can also review your morning pages on a regular basis and use NoteDex to capture and summarize themes or repetitive ideas that are coming out of your writing. Seeing these summaries will help you navigate your mind!

Good luck with your morning pages!


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